Congregational and Pastoral Prayer 3 August 2014 AM and PM

O Almighty, untamable, unstoppable God, whose goodness and mercy is from everlasting to everlasting, we come as priests, adorned with the holy vestments of Christ’s purity and righteousness. Therefore, we offer our requests for your Church and world.

We pray for your worldwide Church, your Church suffering from persecutions, famine, drought, and other perils; for this congregation, and our sister churches in Oklahoma. Stir up our hearts to serve you, to keep ourselves pure, to firmly follow the way of Christ, so that our love may abound more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that we may approve the things that are excellent, that we may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ (Philippians 1.8-10).

We call on you to look on those who have yet to believe in Jesus Christ and repent….May they come to hear the Gospel of Christ with new ears and enlivened hearts, to profess faith in Christ, to turn away from their sin, and to follow along with us in the life of your Son.

We ask You, Lord God, to lift the faces of those who are struggling, ailing, and hurting in mind, body, heart, and soul, and replenish them with health, joy and Your Spirit….(Dr. Kent Brantley, Nurse Nancy Writebol, John J., John H., …).

Please bring all nations in line with your justice and righteousness, that they may cast away immorality and cruelty, and become prosperous places for all their people.

Give our sailors, soldiers, airmen and marines safety in all their honorable endeavors, and return them home triumphant over evil and mentally and physically healthy….

Finally, we ask you to shower your good care upon this earth that groans and travails while it awaits to be delivered from corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God (Romans 8.19-23). 
Maker and Sustainer of heaven and earth, whose justice will be fulfilled at the right time, whose compassion is deep, whose mercy is immense; we thank you that through your Son you have reconciled heaven and earth, making peace through his cross (Colossians 1.0-22). We thank you that there is no longer any condemnation for those united to your Son, that the law of the Spirit of life has set us free in Christ, and that the righteous requirement of the law is being fulfilled in us as we walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit (Romans 8.1-4).

Lord God, Almighty, we persist in praying for your people in hard places – especially where they face severe, threatening pressure, intimidation and maltreatment for the sake of Christ and his Gospel. Fortify them that they will remain true and faithful witnesses no matter what; break the arm of power that is raised against them (Psalm 10.15); and smash the teeth that seek to devour them (Psalm 3.7). Give relief to your people; vindicate them, O God, and defend their cause against an ungodly people, from the deceitful and unjust man deliver them (Psalm 43.1)! O Lord, hear our prayer.

We beseech you on behalf of this congregation; as well as Christ Evangelist Baptist Church; Christian Faith Missionary Baptist Church; Christian Temple Baptist; Classen Blvd Baptist; and Coffee Creek Baptist Church: along with our denomination’s chaplains; Luke Heibel, Jeremy Coenen, Matt Heathman, Moon Kim, Jon Maas, Doug Hess, Steve Fisher, Bob Nay, Tim Power, Jeff Dillard, and Sam Kim; Grant us to walk in the fear of the LORD, which is the beginning of wisdom; and in the Knowledge of the Holy One, which is the place of insight (Proverbs 9.10); to delight ourselves in you, LORD God, committing our way to you and trusting you – for you are the one who will bring forth our righteousness as the light, and our justice as the noonday (Psalm 37.4-6). O Lord, hear our prayer.

We ask you to preserve those of our fellowship who are traveling… uphold those of our people who protect and serve…sustain those of our congregation who work towards healing the hurting…safeguard others who are deployed…enrich and support those who are seeking to adopt and those who are with child… and keep our newborns and toddlers that they may flourish. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Finally, Holy God, we implore you to bless the United States of America by delivering her from all evil and falsehood from within and without, as well as guiding her to be a model of that which is good and right. O Lord, hear our prayer.


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