"My First 123 Book of Bible Numbers" - a Review.
“My First 123 Book of Bible Numbers: Big Sums for Little
Thumbs” is a simple, colorful, readable, fun little book of numbers. It is
authored by Jonathan Gibson and illustrated by Michael Mullan. Each installment
in the book has the main number, and then a related Bible detail, with multicolored
graphic. Then there are questions to help the kids to go to the picture, hunt
down that number and count. For example, the number 1, “There is only 1 God who
made the universe and everything in it.” Then it asks, “Can you find: 1 moon? 1
star? 1 mountain?” and they go back to the creation picture and find the “1” items.
When our kids were little, we found such books where the
kids had to hunt and search really kept them engaged. And it opened up all
kinds of little Dad and kid talks about some aspect of our faith. That’s the
style of “My First 123 Book of Bible Numbers: Big Sums for Little Thumbs.”
The whole book opens with a theme from Psalm 139:17–18, “How
precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I
would count them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with
you.” That’s really the whole idea behind the book.
The publisher sent me an e-copy of the work for this review,
for which I’m grateful. This is the kind of little, shiny resource I would look
for as a dad, and as a grandpa. Short, sweet, simple, Bible-based, fostering
good Bible-discussions with the kids. I highly recommend the book.