
Showing posts from March 10, 2019

"The Prodigal Prophet" by Tim Keller. A Review.

The Prodigal Prophet: Jonah and the Mystery of God's Mercy by Timothy J. Keller My rating: 5 of 5 stars Tim Keller preached his way through Jonah in 1981, 1991, and 2001, and so this 360 page hardback flows from Scripture, seasoning, and years of service in pastoral ministry. Readability is easy, which makes reception feasible. It is a thoughtful book packed with application, and material for prayer and reflection. But "The Prodigal Prophet" is also a book that doesn't shy away from challenging readers. For example, sin "always begins with the character assassination of God...One of the main reasons we trust God too little is because we trust our own wisdom too much" (138-9). Keller allows Jonah to challenge our idolatries of unrestrained patriotism and anti-patriotism; ethnic bigotry and dis-attachment to our heritage; heartlessly preaching God's wrath and heartlessly preaching a God who has no wrath; to name just a few. The book left me with on...

"Marriage" edited by Hamner, Trent, Byrd, Johnson and Thoennes. A Review

Marriage: Its Foundation, Theology, and Mission in a Changing World by Curt Hamner My rating: 5 of 5 stars "Marriage: Its Foundation, Theology, and Mission in a Changing World" methodically hikes it's way through the thorny bushes and briers to blaze a clear trail for others to follow. This 448 page hardback, edited by Curt Hamner, John Trent, Rebekah Byrd, Eric Johnson and Erik Thoennes, guides pastors, parents, partners and parishioners down many expected trails, but also takes surprising turns that pick up scenic views of a greater landscape just over the rise. "Marriage" is a Christian book packed full with sixteen chapters and eighteen "Continuing Insight" précis all written by different contributors: men, women, theologians, pastors, counselors, psychologists, older, and younger, to name a sample of the variety of authors. The chapters move at different paces, depending on the subject and the writer's style. And the four sections, Foundati...

Vespers - 10 March 2019

(This responsive prayer is encased by the 8th Century Latin hymn, Jesu, Nostra Redemptio . It can be found in the Trinity Hymnal, rev. ed. number 161 " O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart's Desire. ") “O Christ, our hope, our heart's desire, redemption's only spring! Creator of the world art thou, its Savior and its King.” Our mighty Savior and sovereign lover; who alone can bring order and goodness to the unruly hearts and lives of people, we pray for these… Take hold of their lives, health, hopes and longings and bring about their wellbeing. Hear their cry, and ours for them, and draw them up out of the pit, out of the miry bog, and set their feet on a rock making their steps secure (Psalm 40.1-2). O Lord, hear our prayer.    “How vast the mercy and the love which laid our sins on thee, and led thee to a cruel death, to set thy people free.” Our Passover who has been sacrificed for us to liberate your people from their Egyptian bondage, the house of slavery...

"O LORD, Who Made Heaven and Earth" - 10 March 2019

O LORD, you made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them ; you keep truth forever and execute justice for the oppressed. You give food to the hungry and freedom to the prisoners; you open the eyes of the blind and raise those who are bowed down; you watch over the strangers and relieve the fatherless and widow (Psalm 146).   It is to you we come! O LORD, you made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them . We pray for your whole Church on earth, including Christ’s Christian Church, Cherokee Hills Church of Christ, Deer Creek Church of Christ, and Draper Park Church of Christ. Fill her with all truth, in all truth with all peace. Where she is corrupt, purify her; where she is in error, direct her; where in anything she is amiss, reform her. Where she is right, strengthen her; where she is in need, provide for her; where she is divided, reunite her; for the sake of Jesus Christ your Son our Savior.   The LORD shall reign forever, your God, O Zion, to...