"Our Father..." - 2 February 2025
Our Father Who art in heaven: we come to you trusting and rejoicing that you
are our Father through Jesus Christ, and that you will answer us, as promised,
with as much readiness as, and even more readiness than, our earthly parents.
And we trust that we may expect from your almighty power all things necessary
for body and soul. Hear us, Father, as we pray.
Hallowed be thy name: Enable us rightly to know, reverence, magnify,
and praise you in all your works, through which shine forth your power, wisdom,
goodness, justice, mercy, and truth; and likewise to so order our whole life,
in thought, word, and work, that your name may never be blasphemed, but honored
and praised on our account.
Thy kingdom come: Preserve and increase your Church, to include
this congregation and these churches in the greater OKC area: Bread of Life
Baptist, Mt. Calvary Baptist, Central Baptist and Chinese Baptist Church. So
govern us all by your Word and Spirit that we may submit ourselves unto you
always more and more. Destroy the works of the devil; destroy every power that
exalts itself against you; and destroy all wicked devices formed against your
holy Word until the full coming of your kingdom where you shall be all in all.
Thy will be done on earth as
it is in heaven: Grant that
we and all people across the U.S.A, the State of Oklahoma, and the nations and
leaders of the world – may renounce our own will, and yield ourselves, without
gainsaying, to your will, which alone is good, so that everyone may fulfill
their task and calling, just as willingly and truly as the angels do in heaven.
Give us this day our daily
bread: Be pleased to
provide for all our bodily needs, as well as for those down with the flu,
Pneumonia, covid, and RSV, for the ailing and aged, for the poor and penniless,
and for all in need (…), that we and they may thereby know that you are the
only fountain of all good, and so place our trust in you alone.
And forgive us our debts as
we forgive our debtors:
Be pleased, for the sake of Christ, to forgive our transgressions and evils;
and as we find this witness of your grace in us, may our full purpose be to
heartily forgive our neighbor. Lord, hear us as we now mention those we need to
forgive (…). Forgive them, forgive us, and give us renewed willingness to
forgive them.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: Since we are so weak in ourselves that we cannot stand even for a moment, while our deadly enemies—the devil, the world, and our own flesh—assail us without ceasing; be pleased to preserve and strengthen us by the power of your Holy Spirit, that we may stand firm against them until we come off at last with complete victory!
All this we ask of you, because as our King who has power over all things, you are both willing and able to give us all good, and thereby we long for your holy name to be glorified now and into eternity: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. And now we gather up these requests and pray as Jesus taught us, saying, Our Father…