"O our Lord and our God, Who Has Reconciled Us to Yourself..." 29 December 2024
our Lord and our God, who has reconciled us to yourself, and to one another, by
the death of your Son, having taken away the dividing wall of hostility through
his cross (Ephesians 2:14-16), we pray for your World and your Church, and we
pray in the name of Jesus who is our peace.
pray for the wrecked and the robust nations of this world, O Lord, have mercy.
We pray you to safeguard your Church in every land by granting each country a
wholesome tranquility, healthful affluence, and honest government. Have mercy
on our country, our President, President-elect, VP and VP-elect, the House,
Senate, and Supreme Court, and bestow and bring about what is best for the good
of the populace of this nation and the health of your Church. Further, Lord,
here in Oklahoma, we beseech you for the rain and showers we need, for our good.
Father, we remember these who are in need (…). Restore them body and soul, give
them peace of mind and joy in the Holy Spirit.
pray for the people in our lives and on our hearts, who are drifting into
perilous places, and those who are thoughtlessly tripping along the path of
harmful ways that may well lead them astray (…). Please restrain them and draw
them out of danger, deception and defection. Also, for those who have never
repented of their sins and trusted in Christ Jesus your Son, especially any who
are here now, and those in our families (…). Grant them to call on the name of
the Lord and be saved.
pray for your Church throughout the world, including Church of the Holy Cross,
St. James Anglican, Bethesda Assembly of God, and Calvary Assembly of God.
Guide your people in all places, by your holy Word and Holy Spirit along the
way of your truth and righteousness. For those that have stumbled off the mark,
may they remember that those whom you love, you rebuke and discipline, and may
they become zealous and repent. And take care of all of your people’s
financial, physical and fellowship needs.
For this congregation we implore you: come and strengthen the faithful, arouse any who might be careless, restore the repentant, restrain any who might be reckless, reclaim any who might be wayward, steady the tottering, protect the children, embolden the weak, heal the wounded, encourage the discouraged, calm the worried, give peace to the troubled, comfort to the afflicted, and give joy to us all.
And now, joining our hearts and voices together we pray as Jesus taught us, saying, Our Father…