"My First ABC Book of Bible Verses" by Jonathan Gibson. A Review.


Long ago I stumbled on the New England Primer of 1690. As it goes through the alphabet for young minds, it has a specific letter and then a short ditty. For example, under “A” it has, “In Adam’s fall, we sinned all.” Very catchy for both teaching letters and Protestant theology. In a similar way, Jonathan Gibson, minister in the International Presbyterian Church (UK), Associate Professor of Old Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, and author, has compiled a snazzy kid’s book, “My First ABC Book of Bible Verses: Big Truths for Little Minds”. It is brightly illustrated by Mike Mullan.

As the title indicates, the book follows the twenty-six letters of the alphabet, one letter per page. But instead of using cute ditties the letters are attended by a Bible verse at the top of the page. It’s all very simple. For example, the radiantly displayed letter “A” has Isaiah 53:6 attending it, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way.” The word “All” is highlighted to go with the first letter of the alphabet. Or for the vibrantly exhibited letter “K” is a verse about the kingdom (Matthew 19:14), “Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

Then at the bottom of each letter-page is a devotional thought for the youthful readers. Taken altogether, these devotional thoughts are clearly gospel-driven. For example, with the letter “A” it says, “Going our own way not God’s way is what the Bible calls sin.” Then, with the letter “K” comes this one, “Jesus loves you and wants you to come to him.” A parent or grandparent could easily sit down with their wriggly little child – and their short attention span – and use one letter a night before bedtime for twenty-six evenings to help the kids get into the rhythm of family worship early on in their life. And the radiant illustrations will recruit their eyes to stay attached to what is happening. It would also be fitting – for memorization purposes – to do one letter each week. Such as the letter “A” and it’s Bible verse every night for the first week, and so forth.

The illustrations are pretty broad. They include country scenes, rockets, cattle, camping, brown kids, white kids, boys, girls, women, men, and more. I think one would have to be very nitpicky to find fault with the artwork. The pictures on each page will also add to the parent-child interactions about each letter and the verse. For example, the letter “E” emphasizes eternal life (John 3:16). There is a thorny crown hanging off the “E,” but also raindrops falling and flowers growing. I could almost envision dad asking the kids, “What’s that? Oh, it’s a crown of thorns, is it? Well, who wore a crown of thorns? “Jesus did, yes, that’s right. What does this have to do with our Bible verse? Oh yes, Jesus, God’s Son given to save us. Great job kids!”

My only beef with the book – and it’s teeny - is that I wished the letter “Q” would have stayed with the more traditional rendering of Psalm 23:1. For whatever reason the author uses the Christian Standard Bible’s version, which reads differently from the KJV, ESV, NKJV, etc. If for no other reason, to help the kids and parents and grandparents use the same language and cadence. There is a genuine catholicity (universality) in doing so that transcends generational differences. But enough about that.

I must say, this is a delightful-to-see-and-read kids book. “My First ABC Book of Bible Verses” is one parents, grandparents, church nursery coordinators, and others ought to get hold of and use. I highly recommend the book.

My thanks to New Growth Press for asking me if I’d like to review the book, and for sending me a free electronic copy for this appraisal. They made no demands on me, other than that I’d give my own evaluation of the work. Therefore, this review is freely made and freely given.


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