Public Prayer in Civil Government Setting


I was asked to fulfill my civil duty on Monday (4 December). No, I didn’t have jury duty, but I was asked to open the Oklahoma County Commissioners’ meeting with a prayer. I say it was my civil duty because (1) the commissioners invited me, and (2) I had to pay the $4 for my parking fee (plus $3 more dollars to get cash from the ATM at the parking lot to pay the fee). I really enjoyed the opportunity and was treated very courteously and with a warm welcome from all three county commissioners. I thought I would walk you through what happened. 

After Mr. Myles Davidson, District 3, introduced me by reading my bio from our church website (which mentions my military service), he invited me up to come to the podium to pray. 

I began with, “This is what the sacred Scriptures of Christians and Jews says, “The LORD reigns, let the earth rejoice; let the many coastlands be glad! Clouds and thick darkness are all around him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne”” (Psalm 97:1-2). 

Then I gave an invitation: “I invite all who can in good conscience to join me as I pray to the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ.” 

Next I prayed the following prayer:

Almighty, sovereign God, whose throne is founded on righteousness and justice, you have placed men and women in positions of authority to lead as your representatives. Therefore, please grant these commissioners your wisdom and your guidance so that liberty, justice, and righteousness for all – free born, foreign born and unborn – wrapped in divine mercy will rule their deliberations and decisions. Prosper Oklahoma County, not only financially, but also with the right amount of rain and showers, and with peace. Help these commissioners to see how to provide proper care for those hit with mental troubles. May there be a lessening of crime and harmful conditions and an increase in well-being.  Thank you for protecting our Sherrif, Deputies, firefighters, and first responders and be pleased to continue that protection. Preserve and enrich the work and homes of our county employees. Look kindly on all the details and minutiae that must be covered here this day. Finally, may all discussions, addresses, and interactions here be civil and end in good decisions for benefit the people of Oklahoma County. All these requests I ask in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ your Son. Amen.

 Yes, as I usually do, I had this prayer written out before I went downtown to the County Courthouse. So that was my prayer, verbatim

Finally, I was asked to lead the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, which was a pleasure to do. And that ended my time. 

As I was walking out of the meeting room, someone got up and raced toward the door to meet me. This man (I have no idea who he was) looked me in the eye and said, “Pastor, thank you for your military service. And, truly, thank you so much for that prayer. It was exactly what we needed.” And then opened the door for me to leave. 

That was how my Monday morning began. 


Pastor Mike


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