"A Sometimes Stumbling Life" by Mike Khandjian. A Review.

A Sometimes Stumbling Life: Making Sense of Our Struggles and God's Grace in the Journey of FaithA Sometimes Stumbling Life: Making Sense of Our Struggles and God's Grace in the Journey of Faith by Mike Khandjian
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Eugene Peterson pictured the Christian life using a phrase from Nietzsche, "The Long Obedience in the Same Direction," which gets a good handle on an important aspect of being a disciple of Jesus. Mike Khandjian, Senior Pastor of Chapelgate Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Baltimore, Maryland, does something similar with the title of his new 212 page paperback, "A Sometimes Stumbling Life: Making Sense of Our Struggles and God's Grace in the Journey of Faith". The title gives out the main thrust of book.

The eleven chapters are packed with stories from Sacred Scripture and real life. They follow a flow from the first steps to the final sojourn, examining and illustrating the often forward stumble of Christians. Each chapter takes up and wobbles it's way through fears, fixations or failures and arrives at a hope-filled conclusion. Every page is packed with encouragement to lift the heart. As an example, "Sin pleads with me to hide in secrecy. The Gospel assures me I don't suffer alone. Sin constantly attempts to convince me I can fix what I have ruined. The Gospel alone leads me, again and again to Jesus, which receives sinners with welcoming Prodigal Son grace. Sin displays what I have lost. The Gospel offers the relentless love of God in Jesus" (68-9). Good news as we stagger and stammer forward!

"A Sometimes Stumbling Life" is a read that will take one to Jesus over and over again. It would make an ideal gift for anyone from graduates to grandparents. The volume can also make a good addition to your church's book table. Grab a copy, and get ready to be encouraged. I highly recommend the book.

Thanks to whiteblackbirdbooks.pub for the copy of the book used for this review. The sentiments and statements are mine. And this review is freely given without any compulsion or coercion by the publisher or any other party.

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