"Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman" by Sarah Bradford. A Little Review

Scenes in the Life of Harriet TubmanScenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman by Sarah H. b. 1818 Bradford
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

 This is a touching rehearsal of the exploits of a self-emancipated slave who poured herself into helping other self-emancipated slaves to flee to areas where they'd be safe. The volume is primarily made up of select tales from Harriet Tubman told to Sarah Bradford - who left out any tales she could not corroborate. The material also includes testimonials from many who knew her during these years.

"Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman" is short and easy to read. A few of the stories brought me to tears, and many brought me to prayer. Thanks to LibriVox for providing the book in audio form, and to Sue Anderson for taking the time to record it. Since this is Black History Month (February 2018), this book makes for great, first-hand historical background and context. I highly recommend the book.

The LibriVox recording can be heard here: Librivox

The book can be obtained for free here: Documenting the American South

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