"Yahweh, God of Might and Power" - Congregational Prayers for 25 September 2016
Sunday morning:
Yahweh, God of might
and power, who made all things, and then lavished good things upon us and still
do; thank you that you give us all things richly to enjoy, you open your hand
and satisfy the desire of every living thing.
You who know all
things, whose eyes run to and fro through the whole earth beholding the good
and evil, from whom no creature is hidden, but all are naked and exposed to
your eyes; hear the groaning of those weighed down under stress or distress…,
see the grief of those who have lost loved ones…., take note of those shackled
and shamed by injustice or bigotry from above or below…., give heed to the ones
who are unfairly incarcerated or enslaved…. For all who are in these situations
and others, we cry out to you on their behalf imploring you to raise them up,
refresh them, restore their wholesome dreams, and set them free.
Spirit of God who
hovered over that which at the beginning was tohu v’bohu, formless and
void, bringing forth creation; who hovered over the womb of Mary to bring forth
him who is the New Creation; and is poured out on us from on high turning the
wilderness into a fruitful field and the fruitful field into a forest (Isaiah
32.15): blow upon your Church throughout the world, and specifically on this congregation, as well as Beth Haven
Baptist Church; First Nazarene Church of Bethany; Bethel Congregational Church;
Bethesda Assembly of God; Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church; Bible Methodist
and Bible Missionary Church. Bring order out of disorder; truth to lead
your people in dark times; hope to sustain them through disheartening seasons;
reconciliation where there has been racial or contentious division; and peace
when all around becomes stormy.
You who sit
enthroned in the heavens, who keeps faith forever, executes justice for the
oppressed, and gives food to the hungry (Psalm 146.7): we pray that in our
country godliness, integrity, uprightness and wholesomeness would gain the
upper hand from the White house to the State House and on to our house. May
truthfulness and trustworthiness become operative in our Civil Government all
the way to our self-government. Rule over, in and through our judicial,
legislative and executive branches. And, Good Lord, help us through the
remainder of this campaign season to maintain our sanity and civility, and sway
the electorate to vote wisely and well.
Take in hand, Lord
God, the nations of this earth. Where brigandry, brutality and bloodletting
have scarred and marred societies; restore decency and justice, rebuild the
infrastructure, return clean drinking water and food, safety and courage. Those
countries that have some semblance of respectability and rightness, make them
sturdy, and keep them safe.
Finally, Lord God,
we pray your name to be hallowed in our homes and families; your kingdom to
come in our homes and families; and your will to be done in our homes and
families, as it is done in heaven. For Christ’s sake we pray. Amen.
Sunday evening:
May all who seek you
rejoice and be glad in you! May those who love your salvation say evermore,
“God is great!” (Psalm 70.4).
We entreat you to provide help, peace, health, sound minds and
sound bodies to these who are harassed by various ailments… O Lord, hear our prayer.
Our Father, we pray for our denomination, this congregation,
churches in Tulsa, in Charlotte NC and these churches in our Presbytery: Redeemer in Amarillo; Grace and Peace in
Anna, TX; Arlington PCA; Christ Church and Metrocrest in Carrollton TX. We
implore you to guide the direction of our denomination and congregations that
we may be a clear light in a bleary-eyed world; that we may be a means of
Gospel reconciliation in a fragmented society; that we may be a voice of reason
and reasonableness in places where emotions run high and violence burbles under
the surface; that we may ever walk the way of the Cross with Jesus, even when
the national pressure to compromise is intense and stifling. O Lord, hear our prayer.
Our hearts are heavy burdened for those who have never trusted
in Jesus Christ and his saving work, as well as those who once declared their
faith in Jesus but have since wondered away….For many of them we weep, O God,
and for others we hurt. Please generate in them a repentant faith and a
faithful repentance, drawing them to our Savior. And help us to see the ways we
can be part of drawing them to our Savior. O
Lord, hear our prayer.
We are deeply thankful for those in our congregation who are
finding a willingness to serve in your church and in your world rescue operation,
swelling up in them. During this time of discernment guide them and us; help us
to see clearly whether they have been gifted by you to pastor, preach or serve
in mission work. And do, O Lord, continue to raise up workers for the harvest –
even from our own fellowship. O Lord,
hear our prayer.
Lord God, we ask you to continue to provide people,
resources and funds to Hope Center of Edmond, Project 66, Anna’s House
Foundation, KAIROS Prison Ministries, Hope Pregnancy Center, House of Joy in
Peru….and we are grateful for those who serve in these organizations. O Lord, hear our prayer.
Finally Father, there are other concerns and requests that
are in our hearts that we silently mention to you….You know these requests, and
what is the best outcome, for which we pray. O Lord, hear our prayer.