"Theology and the Mirror of Scripture" by Kevin Vanhoozer and Daniel Trier. A Review.
Theology and the Mirror of Scripture: A Mere
Evangelical Account
Kevin J. Vanhoozer and Daniel J. Trier
IVP Academic (InterVarsity Press)
PO Box 1400
Downers Grove, IL 60515
ISBN: 978-0-8308-4076-2; $26.00; November
Reviewed by Rev. Dr. Michael Philliber for
Deus Misereatur
4 Stars out of 5
Maybe the hinge is
binding because there’s something wrong with the door altogether, or maybe
there’s nothing more than a bit of rust and grime that have begun to encumber
the door from opening and closing properly. Whatever it is, my truck door is
giving me fits! It catches, groans and pops every time I open and close it. In
many ways, evangelicalism is in a bind and catching. It doesn’t appear to be “working”
correctly any longer. That’s why Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Research Professor of
Systematic Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield,
Illinois, and Daniel J. Trier, Blanchard Professor of Theology at Wheaton
College in Wheaton, Illinois, have penned their new 301 page paperback, “Theology and the Mirror of Scripture: A Mere
Evangelical Account”. This is the first volume in a new IVP Academic series
titled, “Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture”.
“Theology and the
Mirror of Scripture” seeks to outline and arrange a way to pursue a mere evangelical approach to theology,
Christian practice, Scripture and church. By mere Vanhoozer and Trier do not mean a minimal or negligible evangelicalism.
Instead, the authors are seeking “for the greatest
common denominator, that which ought to unify (…),” to define those things that
are of “first importance” (12). They desire evangelicals to be people of something
bigger, to recognize that “no one denomination or theological system exhausts everything
there is to be said (…),” and so we should “speak the truth, and perhaps
nothing but the truth, but not the whole
truth (…). To speak the whole truth,
we need the whole (catholic) church”
Nevertheless the
authors recognize that they are up against a high wall that will be hard to mount.
They identify four challenges that potentially block the way of building a mere evangelicalism. First there is now
“more robust academic engagement” between evangelical scholars and other
academic disciplines, which brings around “puzzling difficulties” for trying to
discern if changing views are “theologically faithful or unfaithful,
identity-altering or indifferent” (24). Next, evangelicals have become
increasingly aware of the “Great Christian Tradition” as well as other
sub-traditions and internal variety (24-5). Further, there is a growing
interest in, and perception of, global Christianity, along with the various
ways the Gospel is worked into, through and out of the countless cultural
contexts (25). Finally, “interfaces with emergent Christianity and culture” all
of which are pushing hard against any “traditional concept of evangelical
identity” (25-6). These four challenging changes “exacerbate the dilemma of
distinguishing uniquely “evangelical theology” from “theology done by
evangelicals” (26). The wall to be scaled is high, and there are serious
obstacles that will make even getting to the wall problematic.
With these
adversities and vicissitudes clearly before them, the authors craft out a basic
set of involved approaches. As they note, the “the purpose of evangelical
theology is to help make communities of disciples, people who come to
understand and correspond to the reality of the gospel – people who become
“little Christs” and thus fulfill their vocation to live as images of God.” This
means, for Vanhoozer and Trier, that the “ambition of evangelical theology is
to retrieve what God’s people have heard in the past, to renew tired traditions
and to respond with alacrity and obedience to God’s forward call in the
present” (45). The rest of the book is their inaugural schematic on how to
achieve and accomplish this “chief task”.
“Theology and the
Mirror of Scripture” is a dense read. Honestly, I’m not sure I fully understand
much of what is being projected. It will likely take a second reading and time
to digest their proposals. That said each chapter holds riches and resources to
be plundered. There is a solid case made for the theological interpretation of
Scripture, of looking along, rather than at biblical texts (185). Also, some
form of confessionalism and higher ecclesiology is hammered out. Included in
the chapters are gentle warnings to “pay much closer attention to what we have
heard, lest we drift away from it” (Hebrews 2.1), to be careful about sliding
away from sola Scripture into sola cultura (257-260).
“Theology and the
Mirror of Scripture” is not a definitive mountain-top statement, “Do this, and
you shall live!” Rather, it is more of a suggestive, conversation-initiating
book. It is meant to spray a little WD-40 on the gritty, rusty evangelical
hinge. I encourage you to pick up a copy and begin thinking along with
Vanhoozer and Trier: what would a mere
evangelicalism look and feel like, and how do we get there.
Thanks to IVP
Academic for providing, upon my request, the free copy of “Theology and the
Mirror of Scripture” used for this review. The assessments are mine given without
restrictions or requirements (as per Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part