"New Dictionary of Theology" ed. S. Ferguson, D.F. Wright and J.I Packer. A Review
New Dictionary of Theology: A Concise and
Authoritative Resource
Editors Sinclair B. Ferguson, David F. Wright
and J.I. Packer
IVP Academic (InterVarsity Press)
PO Box 1400
Downers Grove, IL 60515
ISBN: 978-0-8308-1400-0; $45.00; 1988
Reviewed by Rev. Dr. Michael Philliber for
Deus Misereatur
Compendium; 5 Stars out of 5
To speak of a
dictionary may conjure memories of dusty drudgeries and tiresome tomes. But dictionaries
can be great assets, especially those that focus on special fields of study.
The “New Dictionary of Theology: A Concise and Authoritative Resource” is such
a work. Put together in 1988 by Editors Sinclair Ferguson, David F. Wright and
J.I. Packer, this volume is a treasure trove of substantive exposés. Though it is not an exhaustive
volume, and the articles are 28 years old, yet the hundreds of topics covered,
by a wide range of scholars, makes this work a useable keeper for
seminarians, pastors, Bible teachers, scholars and thinkers.
Above 200
contributors from Asia, Africa, the United Kingdom, North America, India, and
other regions, have supplied installments of various lengths. Each addition to
the dictionary begins with a clearly printed topic in oversized font, unfolds
in two columns, and then ends with the author noted in abbreviated format and a
short bibliography. Articles vary in
length from 160 words to over five single-spaced pages, and are evenly sourced.
Some articles have multiple authors, as can be seen in the long piece on
Russian Orthodox Theology that is penned by Harold O.J. Brown, and P.M.
Topics span the
spectrum, covering ecclesiology, sacramentology, Christology, pneumatology, church
history from the Apostolic Fathers to the late 20th Century,
philosophy and philosophers, apologetics and apologists, theology and
theologians. There are also some installments on African, Asian, and Indian
theology. Though it is not exhaustive, it is informative, and attempts to
maintain a balance of subjects.
The content
contributed by each writer will leave the reader with at least enough information
to have a workable sense of the subject. For example, I. Hamilton’s section on
John McLeod Campbell gives an adequate amount of the clear facts so that a
reader will have a general understanding of the peculiarity of Campbell’s theory
on the atonement, why it got him removed from the 19th Century
Church of Scotland, and which modern theologians have taken up Campbell’s
The New Dictionary
of Theology is a single-volume resource that is usable and valuable. The owner
of this work will return to it regularly, and will mark, read and digest its
contents with profit. This is a solid gift for the seminarian, pastor, Bible
teacher or thinker in your life. And it would be a sound investment for
yourself. I am convinced you will appreciate its residence in your library!
Thanks to IVP
Academic for the free copy of “New Dictionary of Theology” used for this