"Almighty and Everliving God" - 31 January 2016
Almighty and Everliving God, infinite, eternal and unchangeable in your
being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth (Westminster
Shorter Catechism 4), we come and make our requests to you.
We, your servants and children of this congregation, request your help
to put away falsehood, so as to speak truth with our neighbors, for we are
members of one another. That no corrupting talk would proceed out of our mouths,
but only such things as a good for building up, that our words may give grace
to those who hear us. That we may not grieve the Holy Spirit, by whom we have
been sealed unto the day of redemption. That all bitterness, wrath, anger,
clamor and slander would be put away from us, along with all malice. And that
we may be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another as you in
Christ forgave us (Ephesians 4.25-32).
On behalf of Mark and Lori Berry in Peru we pray that you would grant
to them peace, protection, trustworthy co-laborers and all the financial
resources they need in their mission work.
Please look upon your Church throughout the world, to include Lambeth United Methodist Church; New
Covenant UMC; Putnam City UMC; Ridgecrest UMC; and St. John’s and St. Luke’s
UMC; may their hearts be courageous in the ways of the Lord (2
Chronicles 17.6); and may they sing and live in full faith the words of Charles
Wesley, “Other refuge have I none; / hangs my helpless soul on
thee; / leave, ah! leave me not alone, / still support and comfort
me. / All my trust on thee is stayed, / all my help from thee I
bring; / cover my defenseless head / with the shadow of thy wing.”
Be pleased to guide these United States of America, leaders and led, to
live rightly, to live with civility, to live out fair-mindedness, and live on
in honorable integrity.
We implore your kindest care and compassion to rain down on the nations
of our world, especially where there is so much turmoil, tumult and turbulence.
We specifically pray for your supervision, serenity, and social harmony for Chad,
Northern Sudan, Yemen, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, India and Bangladesh.
O God Most High, God of compassion, God of healing, smile upon and raise
up, we beg you, those who are disheartened and dejected in body or mind….; those
who are troubled or traumatized with dread and apprehension….; those who are
ill and ailing physically or spiritually…; we especially ask your care for these….grant
them recuperation and restoration.
Finally, we call to mind those who have not confessed Jesus Christ as
Lord, but continue to walk in darkness; as well as those who have begun to be
hardened by the deceitfulness of sin…..save them, O Lord; bring them to
genuine, life-changing repentance, and to fully embrace Jesus Christ your Son,
the way, the truth and the life.