O God, Most High" - 26 July 2015 AM and PM
Sunday Morning:
O God, Most High, who made all things very good by the Word
of your power, and are a God of order and not confusion: we beseech you to
shape the events, strategies, deliberations and relations in our land, that we
may be a nation and a people who enjoy godly order and godly living; a nation
and a people who honor blameless virtue and protect the aged, the unborn, the
children, and the defenseless; a nation and a people who respect and promote
honest work, ingenuity, quality education, and thrift; and a nation and a
people who truly are a land of the free and home of the brave.
We call upon you to support our soldiers, sailors, airmen,
marines, law enforcers, firefighters and first responders, that they may be
courageous in the face of duty, industrious in the face of drudgery, successful
in their tasks, and led by upright, honest leaders.
Guide the nations of
this world in just and equitable ways that their peoples may enjoy good and
peaceful security, so that your church may live in calm liberty, and the Gospel
spread throughout all lands without harm.
We pray for your Church in every realm; restore unity where
there is brokenness; godliness where there is immorality; sound doctrine where
there is error; pure worship where there is idolatry; and may the Gospel of
Jesus Christ have full sway over us in all that we think, do and say.
Father, who cares about this congregation far more than any
of us; to whom our hearts, plans and thoughts are open; we acknowledge that our
future lies in your hands. This is your church, and we are your people. Lead us
onward, upward and outward that we may be a safe place for those needing
sanctuary from the thundering and blustering world and a healing people for
those battered and beat-up. Thank you for the opportunities we had this past
week in our VBS; thank you for those who perspired, played, planned, and
participated. Now, Lord, be pleased to prosper our endeavors to your glory, to the
salvation of some, and to the encouragement of us all.
We pour out our hearts to you on behalf of those who are
still unbelieving, and those who have strayed away….Please grant them
repentance so that they may know the truth and that they may come to their
senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to
do his will (2 Timothy 2.25-26).
And finally we pray for the sick, the recovering, those who
are undergoing treatment, those who are
emotionally and physically hobbling,……grant them restored health,
renewed strength, refreshing joy and peace; so that they may gain patience, and
that patience would have its perfect work in them that they may become mature
and complete, lacking nothing (James 1.2-4).
Sunday Evening:
O God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, who
has promised us that we have nothing to fear for you are with us, we have no
reason to be dismayed for you are our God, who strengthens us, who helps us,
who upholds us with your righteous right hand (Isaiah 41.10).
We pray for your Church throughout the nations, as well as Bethany
1st Church of the Nazarene; Calvary Church; Capitol Hill Church;
Lake Overholster Nazarene Church; and Southwest Church of the Nazarene;
sustain these brothers and sisters, build them up in the most holy faith, that
they may be able to stand strong against all the wiles of the devil. O Lord, hear our prayer.
Look on this congregation with your favor, O our God. In the
words of your servant, Micah, help us – in all of our affairs, actions and
ambitions – to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before you (Micah 6.8).
Please help us as we move into a new season. Guide our Session as they seek to
shepherd and lead this congregation, and be with our Deacons as they serve that
they may successfully navigate the physical needs of our building, the budget
and care for the bodily needs of folks. O
Lord, hear our prayer.
We are grateful for Pastor John’s recovery from eye surgery;
give him patience as he continues to recuperate; and guide him and Marie as
they seek a new field of endeavor. Thank you for the opportunities that have
opened up before him, and help him to discern the direction he should take. O
Lord, hear our prayer.
We intercede on behalf of those who are anguished with poor
health…, sparse finances…, marital scuffles …, family frictions…, with deep
downheartedness…, emotional and mental distresses…, vocational worries…,
Please, Father, raise them up, give them hope, health, clarity, relief and all
the resources they need; that in the end they may raise their hearts to you in
thanksgiving. O Lord, hear our prayer.