Congregational Prayer Morning and Evening: 12 October 2014
Sunday Morning:
We lift up our hearts to you, Lord God, for your bounteous
gifts and plentiful favors: rain, food, health, life, taste, sight, family,
friends and vocations. And most of all we revere you because you alone are God,
who is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfastness and
faithfulness, who keeps steadfast love for thousands of generations, forgiving
iniquity, transgression and sin.
O Lord, we pray for the besieged and beleaguered peoples in
our world, suffering from floods and droughts, earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions, unemployment and underemployment, military threats, fears and
pestilence. Please establish peace, justice, recovery and efficient economies
in all lands, for the good of all, so that the Gospel of Jesus may spread
unchecked, and that your Church may dwell securely in peace and quietness.
Guide our own leaders to throw off selfish programs,
cut-throat tactics, dastardly devices and to put on what is truly legitimate
and will promote evenhanded integrity.
Be with all of those in the U.S. Military, especially when
deployed and in harm’s way; keep them safe, preserve their families, and bring
them home whole in body and soul.
After this last week we are reminded that our police
officers and deputies often find themselves in peril. Please be with our law
enforcers and peace officers in the Oklahoma County area; preserve them from
ambushes and traps; safeguard them from angry people, vicious criminals, and
careless drivers.
Give ear to our concerns as we pray for those who are still
in their unbelief and for those who have deserted the Christian Faith….may
they turn around and believe in your Son Jesus Christ, and have everlasting
We pray for our enemies that you would lead them and us from
prejudice to truth; and deliver them and us from hatred, cruelty and revenge to
faith, hope and love; and in your good time enable us all to stand reconciled
before you through Jesus Christ Your Son.
Finally, we recall before you those of our friends, families
and fellowship who are recovering from medical procedures…, dealing with
cancer…, struggling with finances…, limping along in deeply damaged marriages…,
hampered by depression…, troubled with brain issues…, and others… Show yourself
mighty to save that they may rejoice in your rich kindnesses throughout the
remainder of their lives.
Sunday Evening:
Lord Jesus, you have graciously promised that if we abide in
you, and your words abide in us, we can ask whatever we wish, and it will be
done for us; for by this our Father is glorified, that we bear much fruit and
so prove to be your disciples (John 15.7-8). Thank you for promising such rich
assurances! Lord, believing what you have promised, we pray now with confidence
in your name:
For Your Church in all places, including Grand Blvd Baptist
Church; Greater Bethel Baptist; Greater Canon Baptist; Greater Concord Baptist,
and Greater Fellowship Baptist Church: Our desire is to see all who
claim to be your people to stand holy and whole and undivided in Jesus Christ.
Therefore those who have stumbled into errors that dishonor you and create schism,
restore them to your way of truth; those who have allowed their desires and
ambitions to squeeze out brotherly love and create fights and wars, reinstate
them in the cross-shaped ways of Christ; those who are towing the line and
promoting wholesome doctrine and genuine godliness in modesty, encourage them
by giving grace to the humble while you withstand the proud; and those who are
standing firm against the pressures and persecutions of the world, strengthen
them that in life and in death they may remain faithful witnesses. O Lord, hear our prayer.
Father, we want to be a church that glorifies you by bearing good
fruit. Consider our lack and what our age thinks to be unimpressive. Be free
with us, Lord. Make free us of our abilities and our facilities. Help us to
have it as our Goal, Aim, Mission, Motivation and Ambition that we would
compassionately and fearlessly make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ and your
whole counsel; that we would thrive in the appointed means of your grace: the
Word, sacraments and prayer; that we would actively make disciples of Jesus
Christ, locally and out to the end of the earth; and that being an ordinary,
simple church we would always know that we are serving the extraordinary God. O Lord, hear our prayer.
We implore you to strengthen our families and friendships in this
church. We ask you to fill the parents and kids, along with the husbands and
wives with graciousness and godliness, charity and character, for our progress
and joy in the Faith (Philippians 1.25). Similarly we ask you to fortify and uphold
those who are single – whether younger or older – that they may be free from
anxieties, and give their singleness to caring for things of the Lord, how to
please the Lord (1 Corinthians 7.32). And strengthen our friendships,
especially inside this congregation, that in love and laughter, purpose and
pleasure, care and comfort we may increasingly grow in solidarity with each other
in Jesus Christ. O Lord, hear our
We implore your protection and care on Pastor John as he
travels, preaches and teaches. Build up your people through his work, keep him
resilient in body and soul, and bring him safely home when it’s time. Lord, hear our prayer.